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Analysis Of The Best Solution Of Cable Water

Feb 28, 2023

Analysis of the best solution of cable water

Cable Detection Equipment Factory said cable water is a very common power cable fault, encountered cable water, how do you solve the situation?

It is very troublesome to have water in the cable. So far, there is no effective way to solve the problem. Either make the intermediate connector or change the whole cable.

In view of the water in the cable, we generally take the preventive choice.

One, the cable inside the water!

Generally speaking, the phenomenon of "water tree aging" will occur under the action of electromagnetic field after the cable is flooded, and the cable damage is only a matter of time, which will eventually lead to the cable breakdown.

Three, the cable inside the water solution!

1. Make cable ends in time after cable laying and complete wiring to eliminate potential risks in the bud.

2. If only two ends of the cable are flooded, only two ends need to be cut off and the cable head wiring can be redone.

Analysis Of The Best Solution Of Cable Water

3. If the cable has obvious water inlet point, it is necessary to cut the cable near the water inlet point and make the intermediate joint.

4. Water accumulation is inevitable in the outdoor cable well or cable passage. Try to fix the cable with a bracket.

5. The cable is pressurized and dried with special hot nitrogen, which is generally not equipped with such professional equipment. Recommended products: rubber sheathed cable

6. Use High Voltage Test Console to Conduct regular pressure leakage test on cables to ensure timely understanding of the running status of cables.

In general: the best solution to cable flooding is prevention! Prevention! Prevention! Once the water, to a large extent need to change the cable, almost useless!

Of course, there are many other reasons, which I will not list here.

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